Jefferson County Library Foundation
The Jefferson County Library Foundation's mission is to support and enrich the capabilities, resources and services of the Jeffeson County Public Library through fundraising and advocacy efforts that benefit our diverse community!
Jefferson County Library Foundation (JCLF) provides critical support to Jefferson County Public Library (JCPL), expanding free programs and services to all Jefferson County residents. Through public outreach, advocacy and fundraising JCLF strengthens JCPL and promotes greater awareness of its valuable resources and services, helping JCPL ensure free and equal access to information and great literature to all Jeffco residents.
Libraries Non-Profit Organization
Jo Schantz
10790 W 50th Avenue #200
Wheat Ridge, CO
Phone: (303) 423-5077
Fax: (303) 423-1216
We accept book donations Monday - Friday, from 9 AM to 4 PM.